
Welcome to Unmarried Equality, home of the blog of singles rights expert and advocate Bella DePaulo! After 20 years of standing up for fairness and equal treatment of all people regardless of marital status, Unmarried Equality has transitioned away from being an active nonprofit organization. If you are looking for research or are a member of the press looking for an expert on unmarried people, please contact the Council on Contemporary Families. For grassroots legal advocacy, contact the Woodhull Freedom Foundation. In addition to Bella’s blog, the pages of this site will remain as an information resource about unmarried issues, although not all pages will be actively updated. Thanks for your many years of interest and support!

Our Blog

How Single People Are Hurt by Trump, Musk, and DOGE

I have always found it exasperating that people who are single are so rarely recognized as one of the groups subject to prejudice, stereotyping, stigmatizing, and discrimination. I also find it disappointing that most DEI programs (diversity, equity, and inclusion) are not all that inclusive when it comes to single people. In academia, scholars have […]

What We Missed by Ignoring Marital Status in the 2024 Presidential Election

In the avalanche of election takeaways, a group of ardent Republican supporters has skated by unnoticed, and a group of stalwart Democratic partisans has also been mostly ignored.

Women Who Have Never Been Married Are Some of the Strongest Supporters of Democrats

It is presidential election season in the US, and polling results are ubiquitous. Many polls from many different polling companies are released every day, and articles about polling results are often among the most popular stories on media websites.

Triggering an Outpouring of Support for Single People: A Wildly Effective and Unexpected Strategy

I value psychological studies and strategies that not only offer insights and understanding, but also tip the scales toward social justice. I’m particularly interested in justice for single people, who are systematically disadvantaged in laws, policies, the workplace, the marketplace, the health care system, and just about every other major domain of life.

Unmarried Equality Gets Some Love from an Unlikely Place

In the decades that I have been writing about single people, single life, and singlism, I’ve had one rule: I don’t talk about dating or other attempts by single people to unsingle themselves. I don’t want to perpetuate the stereotype that what single people want more than anything else is not to be single any […]