Domestic Partnership Links

Best Places to Work in 2011
The Human Rights Campaign conducts an annual survey of the best employers in the country.  One criteria is benefits policies. While most employers that offer domestic partner benefits make them available to both same-sex and different-sex couples, a small minority have same-sex-only policies

How to Advocate for Benefits Equality in Your Workplace
Suggestions for working within your own company, courtesy of the Human Rights Campaign.

Universal Health Care Action Network
You don’t think health benefits should be linked to a person’s employment or relationship status? This national organization includes resources, links to local efforts, and information about the national movement for health coverage for all people.

Articles & Op-Eds

Don’t Leave Domestic Partners in the Cold, by Marshall Miller & Dorian Solot
The Boston Metro, May 14, 2004
Just before same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts, some employers in the state announced they planned to withdraw their domestic partner benefits plans. We explained why that would be a mistake.

Why Not Benefits for Unmarried Couples?, by Dorian Solot & Marshall Miller
The Boston Globe, August 5, 1998
In the summer of 1998, Massachusetts Acting Governor Paul Cellucci vetoed domestic partner benefits because they were inclusive of male-female couples. We responded.

UVM Off-Base in Requiring Civil Unions for Benefits, by Marshall Miller & Dorian Solot
In Newsweekly, October 25, 2000
Commentary on the University of Vermont’s decision to require employees to register civil unions in order to be eligible for domestic partner benefits.

Do you have domestic partner books, links, or other resources you’d recommend? Let us know so we can add them to this collection!

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