Among the many goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was expanded Medicaid coverage. In theory, adults with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level would be eligible to be covered. Pre-ACA standards were more stringent and excluded non-disabled adults with no dependent children. Medicaid expansion was supposed to be a mandatory […]
Have Liberals Already Conceded that Conservatives Were Right about Marriage?
New York Times columnists Thomas B. Edsall and Ross Douthat believe that (some) liberals have already conceded that conservatives were right: We should value marriage over all other life paths and family forms.
Attorney General Barr Has a Religious Agenda and Unmarried Americans Should Be Concerned
In a recent speech, Attorney General Barr decried “illegitimacy,” “licentiousness,” and “the wreckage of the family.”
Unmarried Americans Really Need This New Program – and More
Some stories about single people are manufactured to scare them. Others, though, capture legitimate concerns. For example, if you are single and live alone, what are you going to do if and when you get to the point where you need help with everyday life tasks, such a bathing, eating, or getting around?
Quick – How Many Kids, by How Many Wives, Does Trump Have? The Matter of Family Privilege
Did you have at your fingertips – or even in the deep recesses of your mind – the answer to the question in the title of this article? Did you know that Donald Trump has five kids from three marriages? And if you didn’t know that, why didn’t you?
Women’s Groups Are Marginalizing and Stereotyping Single Women: New Study
The number of single women in the U.S. has been increasing markedly. Their growing numbers, together with their very disproportionate support for Democratic candidates, should, in theory, make them a potentially powerful political force. But as a new study has shown, single women are not even taken seriously by the 471 women’s organizations that should […]
Need a Transplant? You Better Be Married
The bias against single people that I call “singlism” is pervasive. The stereotyping, stigmatizing, and marginalizing of single people, and the discrimination against them, shows up in the workplace, the marketplace, the classroom, and the boardroom; in politics, the military, and in the laws of the land; in places of worship, in psychotherapy, and in […]
Attaining Unmarried Equality: Does #MeToo Offer Any Lessons?
What are some of the terrible things that can happen in your life? At a scholarly talk that I attended, the speaker had a slide that offered some answers. They included, for example, contracting a deadly disease, killing yourself, not being able to find employment, and…not ever getting married.
Spousal Privilege in the Court System Needs to Go: Guest Post by Lauren Frick
[Bella’s intro: This past semester, Craig Wynne, who has written a guest post for Unmarried Equality, taught a composition course at Hampton University with the theme of marriage and singlehood. One of his students, Lauren Frick, a journalism major, wrote an essay that was so terrific, he sent it to me for consideration as a […]
Our Goals and Values Are More Inclusive, But the Marriage Fundamentalists Have More Power
I’m still reeling from the report I discussed in my previous column, “The Case Against Marriage Fundamentalism: Embracing Family Justice for All.” I had known, in some abstract way, that the effort to celebrate marriage and delegitimize and stigmatize all other kinds of families and lifepaths was an organized one. I knew it was well-funded. […]