In this article at the Huffington Post, Sam Stein reports on the politics of a bachelor candidate for President. He interviews Thomas F. Coleman, longtime activist and founder and Executive Director of opponents of marital status discrimination when the group was called the American Association for Single People. Read the article here.
Is America Really a ‘Singles Nation’?
A Psychology Today blogger considers the Christian Science Monitor cover story declaring that the U. S. is a “singles nation” and asks whether that really is so. What are the criteria for whether a country really is a “singles nation”? Read more here.
“Singles Nation”: Christian Science Monitor Cover Story
In the cover story, “Singles nation: Why so many Americans are unmarried,” the Christian Science Monitor interviews UE Board Chair Sarah Wright. Read the story here.
3 Roads to Social Justice – For Lasting Change, We Must Follow Them All
[This is the third in my new series of monthly columns. The views expressed here are my own and not the official positions of Unmarried Equality.] “Unmarried Equality (UE) advocates for equality and fairness for unmarried people, including people who are single, choose not to marry, cannot marry, or live together before marriage.” That’s the […]
Legal Protections for Nontraditional Families and Relationships
At, Diana Adams notes: “Over 50 percent of American adults are unmarried, yet many of those people are nonetheless part of families or relationships that could and should benefit from official status.” She describes ways in which unmarried Americans can get some of the legal protections that married people get automatically,
Cleveland Cuts Benefits for Unmarried Opposite Sex Couples
In Cleveland, unmarried opposite sex couples are no longer eligible for domestic partner benefits. UE Board Chair Sarah Wright tells the reporter what’s wrong with that,
Advocate of Marriage Equality Now Wants Equality for Singles
A long-time advocate of marriage equality is now making the case for equality for singles. In his thoughtful article, James Lopata interviewed UE Board Chair Sarah Wright, who told him that UE is trying to “reignite a conversation” about fairness, so that ultimately, our public policies will be marriage-neutral. Read the entire Boston Globe story […]
Our Concepts of Family Are Expanding, and Our Laws Need to Catch Up
In an important article, “When 8 adults and 3 children are family,” Hugh Ryan reviews many of the ways that contemporary Americans are creating family, and argues that laws should be rewritten to reflect how Americans are actually living. He interviewed Sarah Wright, UE Chair of the Board of Directors, who lamented that “the state […]
More Companies Are Telling Same-Sex Couples to Get Married or Lose Their Benefits
As same-sex marriage victories pile up, more and more employers are dropping domestic partner benefits, telling their gay and lesbian employees that if they want benefits, they will have to marry. Read more about it at the Wall Street Journal.