American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Advocates Marriage for Health and Other Benefits. Sign our Petition!

ACOG’s endorsement of same-sex marriage states that it  “advocates for all of our patients’ health and well-being,” but does nothing of the sort.  It recommends marriage as  a means to financial security and improved benefits in healthcare, social security, and shared property.   Unmarried Equality calls ACOG on its perpetuation of marital status discrimination in a […]

Celebrating Progress in the Face of Those Who Fear It

We try to keep on top of activities that work against our goals, and wanted to share something that recently came through our media alerts. Here at Unmarried Equality we advocate for unmarried, cohabiting and polyamorous relationships.  Within the “unmarried” category we recognize single people,  those in committed relationships, those in legal domestic partnerships, and […]

Unmarried Equality Petitions Condo Association to Stop Discrimination on the Basis of Marital Status

In response to a story out of Florida, UE has launched a petition to stop a condo association’s refusal to sell units to unmarried couples and families. The practice not only violates the rights of qualified purchasers, it prevents association members from marketing to the largest pool possible when selling their properties. Let them know […]

Singles Over 50 Giving Up the “Hunt”

In AARP’s The Magazine August/September issue, Marion Winik talks about the fulfilling lives of older singles – and the enjoyment of relieving themselves of the search for a partner.

WHDT News Network asks Cindy Butler, “What is Marriage? What is Family?” (July 2013)

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George Will is Beyond Ridiculous

On this Sunday’s (July 28, 2013) news show, “This Week,” George Will once again provided a sound bite that is so outrageous you will not believe that it came from an experienced political analyst. Fortunately, retribution was swift and loud, as hundreds of bloggers immediately called him out for the backward ideology upon which he […]

Wendy Davis’ Family of Choice: Why Rick Perry Just Doesn’t Get It

On June 25th, Wendy Davis, Harvard law graduate and Democratic Texas state senator held a filibuster for a full 11 hours with no food, water, and without being allowed to sit, or even lean on anything for support. The filibuster stopped Senate Bill 5, a firm anti-abortion law, from being passed before the end of […]

The Rand Corporation’s New and Misleading Study

In June 2013, the Rand Corporation released a study called, “Cohabitation and Marriage Intensity: Consolidation, Intimacy, and Commitment” based on 2010 Census data. The study addresses general societal anxiety over rising divorced rates by looking at the effect of cohabitation before marriage. In other words, the authors of this study ask: do divorce rates rise […]

Why We Can be Happy About the DOMA Ruling

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a key provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA, that which defines marriage as between a man and a woman, and spouses as heterosexual, is unconstitutional. Some of our members have questioned whether Unmarried Equality should have engaged in the same-sex marriage movement at all, as our ultimate goal is to banish the belief that legal marriage is the only acceptable form for a committed relationship and to eliminate the assignment of benefits and privileges based on marital status. Read More

Washington Post Surveys Those Under 50 About Having Children, Single Parents, and Changing Families

There are some interesting results in this survey. It’s a small sample size, so not scientific by any means. Still, it’s worth a look.